Read other posts by: Music My Pet Blog

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

20% off on all Music My Pet Downloads!!

Enjoy a savings of 20% of all MP3 Downloads from Music My Pet (from now thru Christmas)! Visit the following link to purchase Holiday Treats, Classic Cuts or Mellow Melodies:

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Free “Holiday Treats” CD with every combo pack!!!

Dear friends,
In the spirit of the season, Music My Pet is offering a free Holiday Treats CD with every purchase of our 3-CD combo pack (Classic Cuts, Mellow Melodies and Holiday Treats).
Visit the following link and enjoy the gift of calming holiday music for you and your pet!

(promotion ends at 11:59 AM on 12/11/12)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Musician Who Performs With a Scalpel

Scientist at Work | Claudius Conrad
C.J. Gunther for The New York Times
MUSIC MAN Dr. Claudius Conrad has studied how the mechanisms of Mozart’s music seemed to ease the pain of some patients.
Published: May 20, 2008
Read the full article here: A Musician Who Performs With a Scalpel

Sunday, November 4, 2012

New CD Release - Mellow Melodies

Hello all,

Happy fall season to all! We're getting in touch to let you know that Music My Pet will be releasing a new CD entitled "Mellow Melodies"....just in time for holiday shopping. For those who loved the calming sounds of our first release, Classic Cuts, you're in for a treat as we've continued the tradition of providing soothing classical pieces for you and your pet -  including some new composers to our repertoire (Mozart, Liszt, Grieg , Mussorgsky) as well as the familiar favorites (Bach, Beethoven and Brahms). Be on the lookout for Mellow Melodies on our website ( as well as other familiar places to shop for Music My Pet including: Amazon, CDBaby and iTunes.

All the best,

Staff at Music My Pet

Monday, October 29, 2012

Re-post: Pets Now “De-Stressing” to Classical Music!

Pets Now “De-Stressing” to Classical Music!

former OHS Pet of the Week
Ever heard the old phrase ”music soothes the savage beast”?  It has long been known that soft, melodic music relieves stress, is relaxing, and promotes healing and a sense of well-being in humans.  So why not in animals?  When I am playing the piano, my dog drops her favorite toy, seeks me out, and curls up at my feet …. then immediately falls asleep.  So, based on my own very unscientific research, playing soft music for pets seems to work.
Does your pet get anxious when you leave them home for the day?  Are they afraid of thunder or other loud noises?  Is your pet recuperating from surgery?  Music My Pet is a recording company that creates classical music just for pets. According to the company, the great works of composers such as Bach and Beethoven have been re-orchestrated with musical instruments and sounds that will de-stress pets.
To learn more about Music My Pet, and to listen to some of their pet-specific recordings, visit their webiste at  Happy Listening!
Let us know how you de-stress and keep your loving companions calm and de-stressed.  Thanks again for reading my blog. 
Disclaimer: is in no way endorsing, promoting, or excepts any liability for the company or its products mentioned in this blog post. 
Posted on 10.29.12 by: Kurt
Launched, do pro-bono work for the Oregon Humane Society, love web marketing / branding, compose Celtic music on the piano, love to travel, learning Italian, enjoy walking and hiking with the dog.
Thanks Kurt for an informative blog about Music My Pet!  We encourage our readers to check out Kurt's other blog posts.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Letter of thanks for Music My Pet's donation to the Rescue Animal MP3 Project!

September 3, 2012
Dear Tom Nazziola,
Thank you so much for your wonderful music donation to the Rescue Animal MP3 Project!  I am very grateful for your generosity and your compassion for animals. With your help, we have created this program to help animals in shelters, enriching the quality of their lives while they wait for forever homes.
We are reaching out to shelters across the U.S. to inform them of the Rescue Animal Mp3 project's pet calming music compilation available at no cost to facilities that shelter 10 animals or more with a completed application . An article in your newsletter or other outreach (promoting Rescue Animal Mp3 Project and your CDs) would help spread the word to communities to educate their local government and non-profit shelters about the beneficial calming effects of music in shelters and rescues.  Thank you so much for your help so far!
In only 8 months, our project has successfully installed preloaded Mp3 players in more than 150 shelters in 44 states, benefiting over 20,000 animals since December 2011.  We are very happy with this early progress.  However, we know that there is much more work to be done, many more animals to help, and we are up to the task! Follow up evaluations document 63% of the rescued shelter animals to be calmer, quieter and less stressed.  Our volunteer board members are working diligently together to coordinate fundraising, grant requests, project awareness and follow-ups under my direction.  Our goal is to reach out to the over 5,000 ASPCA independent shelters, and nearly 3,000 government–run facilities where the quality of life for the animals (and workers) can be improved dramatically, with very little effort.  Though it was not part of my original goal, I am happy to say that the evaluation feedback from shelters has shown that the music also has a calming effect on humans who work at the shelters and visit to adopt. This, too, creates a more harmonious atmosphere for the animals. Working together to reach out to shelters about the Rescue Animal Mp3 Project will continue to expand our shared compassion to help the animals.
Your outreach and fundraising suggestions will assist the Rescue Animal Mp3 Project to expand and provide music to more shelters and rescues across the U.S. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for spreading the word and helping enrich the lives of millions of homeless animals.
*See press release below…
With Sincere Thanks,
Pamela Fisher, DVM – Director/ Founder
RESCUE ANIMAL Mp3 PROJECT non-profit 501(c)(3)
7211 Wales Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720
330-266-2500/ fax 330-266-2501
Cell 330-209-1067 Help donate music to Rescues

Sunday, April 22, 2012

How to Help a Dog with Noise Phobia

"Play calm, soothing music ( before a possible stressor occurs. This may both relax your dog and drown out distressing noises."  - Dr. Karen Becker

Posted By: Dr. Becker on February 01, 2011.

Many dogs overreact to sudden loud noises like a clap of thunder.
Not all canine responses to startling noises are the same. Some dogs express hyper-vigilance when they hear loud noises, while others hide in fear. Outright panic is also not an unusual reaction for some dogs.
It's important to understand the difference between the normal fear a dog expresses and fear that has become pathologic. In the latter situation a dog begins to generalize his fear of, for example, a clap of thunder, to every sudden or loud noise in his environment.
If on a bright, sunny day your dog suddenly displays his fear-of-thunder response to the rattling of pots and pans in the kitchen or the noise of a garbage truck down the block, he's generalizing his fear of the noise of a thunderstorm to every loud or unusual sound he hears.
Per dvm360:
Noise phobia, of which storm phobias constitute one class, is defined as a sudden and profound, nongraded, extreme response to noise, manifested as intense, active avoidance; escape; or anxiety behaviors associated with the activities of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. Behaviors can include catatonia or mania concomitant with decreased sensitivity or responsiveness to pain or social stimuli. Once fully developed, repeated exposure results in an invariant pattern of response.
Some dogs react to noise phobias by freezing and withdrawing, while others respond by crashing through windows or chewing through restraints or enclosures. While the former behavior may seem less extreme, the fact is both reactions indicate profound suffering and damage to nerve cells.

Dr. Becker's Comments:
Noise phobias in canine family members are no laughing matter.
Left untreated, the condition will invariably get worse. The development of a phobia involves a complex molecular change that isn't well understood, but seems to involve a shift in how an affected dog processes information.
Noise phobia can be inherited, so it's possible for a pup to be predisposed to the condition if dogs in his lineage have displayed overreaction to noise. The genetic connection is so direct that if one of your dog's parents overreacted to storms or other noises, you can reasonably expect your pet will have a similar response.
The problem is also known to be especially common in herding breeds, including:
1.)         Australian Shepherd
2.)         Border Collie
3.)         German Shepherd Dog
4.)         Old English Sheepdog
5.)         Pembroke Welsh Corgi
6.)         Shetland Sheepdog
An overreaction to loud noises can predispose your dog to other panic disorders like separation anxiety and behavioral problems.
Signs of Noise Phobia
The symptoms of noise phobia and separation anxiety are similar and include:
A.)        Excessive panting and/or salivation
B.)        Vocalization
C.)        Trembling and pacing, or freezing in place
D.)        Uncontrolled urination/defecation
E.)        Destructive behaviors
F.)         Hiding or escape
In studies of phobic behaviors in dogs, it was shown that symptoms can differ by breed. For example, German Shepherds pace more than Border Collies or Australian Cattle Dogs.
Most canine anxiety disorders seem to develop between the ages of 12 and 24 months and worsen, if left untreated, as the dog matures socially.
It is also known that if a dog reacts to one noise, she is likely to react to other noises. For example, if your dog overreacts to thunderstorms, she has a 95 percent chance of responding similarly to fireworks.
Take Care Not to Reinforce Anxious Behavior
If you suspect or know your canine companion is developing a noise phobia, the first thing you'll want to do is make sure you're not rewarding his fear and anxiety.
For example, as humans we often try to comfort each other emotionally with phrases like 'It's okay.' But if to your dog the word 'okay' is usually associated with a desirable behavior, telling him 'It's okay' when he's feeling fearful or anxious can confuse him as well as reinforce his phobic behavior.
The same goes for petting an overreacting dog to comfort her. To your dog, petting is a reward, so again, you're inadvertently reinforcing her anxious behavior. And for some dogs, being petted during a phobic episode is just one more anxiety-producing element in her environment.
Calming a Panicked Pup
Rather than take action that could inadvertently reinforce anxious behavior, try simply observing your dog during a fearful episode and see what you can do to calm him.
1.)         You might lead or remove him to a quiet room in your home and either leave him alone there to self-soothe (as long as he’s not frantic), or stay quietly with him. A silent, still environment can often provide relief.
2.)         Some phobic dogs will seek out dark, quiet corners on their own where they can calm themselves, so consider providing a darkened room, a closet floor, or space under a table or desk for a frightened pet. The goal is to give your dog a secure spot that helps him calm himself. If he continues to panic in his dark, quiet space, it isn’t what he needs to help him relax.
3.)           Play calm, soothing music ( before a possible stressor occurs. This may both relax your dog and drown out distressing noises.
4.)         You can also try putting gentle, continuous pressure on your pet to calm her. If your dog will allow it, try leaning gently on or against her without petting or stroking. If this is helping your pup, you’ll feel her muscles begin to relax. If instead she seems to grow more anxious, this isn’t a technique that will be helpful for her.
5.)         If your dog seems to respond well to pressure applied to her body, there are wraps available (,, that many pet owners and veterinarians find extremely helpful.
6.)         Ttouch is a specific massage technique that may also help anxious pets.
7.)         Consult your holistic vet about homeopathic, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and Bach Flower Remedies that could be helpful in alleviating your dog’s stress. Some products I use, always in conjunction with behavior modification:
8.)                           Herbsmith Calm Shen
9.)                           Homeopathic aconitum or Hyland’s Calms Forte
10.)                       Bach Rescue Remedy or other similar remedies depending on the animal
11.)                       Spirit Essence Storm Soother
12.)                       OptiBalance Fear & Phobias Formula
13.)     The essential oil of lavender has been proven to reduce a dog's stress response. I recommend placing a few drops on your dog's collar or bedding before a stressor occurs, if possible.
14.)     If your dog is crate trained, he may go there voluntarily to self-soothe, or you can lead the way. A blanket draped over the crate may help him relax.

However, if your dog doesn't normally use a crate, or worse, has a fear of crates due to a past bad experience, this isn't the time to use one. Under no circumstances should a fearful pup be forced into a crate either when he's already anxious, or in anticipation of a panic response to weather or other noises. Your dog will feel trapped, which will make both his phobia and his reaction to it worse.
15.)     If your dog is afraid of storms or other loud outside noises, leaving her outdoors while she's anxious or panicked is a really bad idea. Dogs regularly run away or seriously injure themselves attempting to escape outdoor enclosures or runs during storms, fireworks displays, and other noisy events.
Behavior Modification
In addition to learning what calms your phobic dog, it's also important to work to extinguish the overreaction.
Behavior modification techniques like desensitization, counter-conditioning or a combination are most often used to help anxiety-related canine conditions.
Desensitizing involves exposing your dog to the noises he overreacts to. There are tapes, records, CDs and internet sites that mimic all sorts of noises, including storms, exploding fireworks, car backfires and even gunshots.
This approach works better with dogs in the beginning stages of a phobia, and not so well with dogs suffering from fully entrenched phobias. I recommend you consult with a professional on how best to address your dog's fear issue, as there isn't a cookie cutter approach to fixing the problem that can be applied to every dog.
Counter-conditioning involves rewarding your dog for not reacting, typically with a food treat that competes with his ability to react to a noise stimulus. The Clever K9 is a treat-release puzzle toy that can be very useful during the counter-conditioning process.
Changing How Your Dog Perceives His Environment
Other potentially helpful devices to calm your anxious pup:
A.)        Eye shades that either block all light or diffuse the light can help some dogs relax. You can try a basic eye mask intended for humans or a pair of tinted Doggles.
B.)        You can also try blocking the intensity of the sounds your pet hears. Ear protection for dogs is available from Mutt Muffs.
C.)        Invest in a D.A.P.™ collar or diffuser for your dog. D.A.P. is an acronym for Dog Appeasing Pheromone and is designed to have a calming affect on dogs. The collar seems to work well for many dog owners with pups suffering from separation anxiety and other stress-related behaviors.
Asking for Help
If nothing you attempt seems to help your phobic pet, I recommend consulting an animal behaviorist in your area through the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists.
Alternatively, you can visit the Animal Behavior Society website, where you can find a directory of Certified Applied Animal Behaviorists (CAABs). Many of these experts have websites and do phone and online consultations.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New for the Fall of 2012!!

Music My Pet will be releasing a new title this fall. Our newest CD, which is not yet titled, will feature a set of composers to serve as a companion to our first release - Classic Cuts. Both you and your pet will enjoy the calming sounds of Mozart, Grieg, Mussorsgky, Rachmaninoff, Respighi as well as some familiar favorites - Bach, Beethoven and Chopin. We've hand picked some of the most beautiful and relaxing melodies from these masters of classical music and also extended the length of our CD to over 60 minutes. Stay tuned for an early launch of MP3s as well.

Here's to more calming classical music for you and your pet!

- Staff at Music My Pet